Extracting decimal numbers from a string


Extracting integers from a string is trivial, but I am unable to find a function or code that will extract decimal numbers from a string.

I have a string that looks something like this:
" Asdf 1 1.3825 4.0000 12.0000 1.9133 0.1853 0.9000 1.1359 4.0000 "

Any tips on extracting the numbers (in decimal form) and storing them in a vector?
double d;
std::cin >> d;
std::cout << d;
That code does not convert strings to decimals, I'm looking for a way to extract a double from a string.
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You could put that string into a stringstream then treat it like cin and extract the values that way.
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Sorry, did not notice that you need to convert from already stored string.
You can use stringstreams: http://ideone.com/ldzqM2
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