i get stick with this problem *help please*

hi there,

i deal with exception handling problem >> the problem said rewrite the code *below* to continues to devide two numbers until the user enters the character q (as a numerator or denominator) to terminate program execution .

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main ()

int numerator, denominator;
bool needDenominator = true;

cout << "Enter a numerator ( whole number only ): ";
cin >> numerator;
cout << "Enter a denominator ( whole number only ): ";

while (needDenominator)
cin >> denominator;
if (denominator == 0)
throw denominator;
catch( e)
cout << "A denominator value of " << e << " is invalid. " << endl;
cout << "please reenter the denominator (whole number only) : ";
cout << numerator << '%' << denominator << " = " << double(numerator)/double(denominator) << endl;
needDenominator = false;

system ("pause");
return 0;

help please :)
What is your problem?
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