Downgarding from VC++ Professional to Enterprise

I have a project that was created with VC++ 6.0 Enterprise Edition. Now I have Professional Edition installed and I can't run this application. I get a message that SHSQL.DLL is required and I have learned that this dll is only provided in C++ Enterprise. Does anyone know how I can convert my project to professional edition? I don't think I am using this dll.

You are indeed correct, it only comes with the Enterprise edition of Visual Studio.

I did a quick scout around the internet for you and came across the following post on the national instruments website; the guy attaches a copy of his dll and gives details where it should be put on your system.

I would like to point out though that I have not tested this, and you should always scan files and take the necessary precautions to be safe.

Hope this helps.
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Softrix, thanks for the tip.
That got me past that error, but then it wanted eeswt.dll. I found that online and now it wants nmsql.dll.
It runs without it, but one of my programs can't initialize a form view. It fails in CreateDialogIndirect.
I guess I will just have to get VC++ enterprise edition. Thanks for the help.

Your welcome, its just a shame you didn't manage to get it working.

Is this an old commercial product or something personal you worked on in the past because you could try downloading the express edition of Visual Studio 2013 and create a project, import the headers and c++ files from your old project and try compiling.

That would remove the dependencies left behind from the old enterprise edition - worth a try.

Failing that, if its not a confidential project and just something you are trying to get working from the past then you could pm me it using dropbox and I'll take a look.

I did get it working, I am just nervous about what other subtle problems might crop up from Enterprise edition expectations.

You might be able to help me with another problem that precipitated this whole mess, though.
Do you know how Actve X dialog controls get registered in an MFC project?
I get the following trace statements and the assert when I try to run a program that used to work:

CoCreateInstance of OLE control{...} failed.
Result code : 0x80040154
Is the control properly registered
This occurs in AfxCoCreateInstanceLic when CoGetClassObject fails.

Warning: CreateDlgControls failed during form view init
Occurs in CFormView::HandleInitDialog
from CWnd::CreateDialogIndirect

The preceeding results from the WM_INITDIALOG message.

Then an assertion fails in dlgdata.
This occurs in CDataExchange::PrepareCtrl with the following trace message
"Error: no data exchange control with ID 0x071E.
This is the first control in the first window that has a DoDataExchange method.

I foolishly ran an old Wise installer on my development PC to test it and it apparently changed something in the system to prevent Active X registration.

Any ideas?
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