Simple program ideas.

I need to make a simple C++ program for a class project.

The project MUST make use of the following C++ elements:
i) Loops and user input
ii) Functions
iii) Strings
iv) 2D arrays
v) Pointers
vi) Files and/or data structure

Does anyone have any ideas about what I could do my project on?

A login system, writing usernames and passwords to files? You could also make your own encryption for the passwords. Not too hard.
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But where would you use a 2D array in a login system?
Uhh... Be creative.. Store the entered info in the registration of the user in the array, and write the userinfo to file from the array?

I don't really know how experienced you are, so it's hard to come with ideas. I don't know what you're capable of doing, so i gave you something simple.
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I'm a beginner. Probably should have posted this in the beginners forum. But thanks for your help.
So am i. Haven't even gotten in to graphics yet in C++. Still making console applications. No problem :) Good luck!
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But where would you use a 2D array in a login system?
Have it store multiple accounts.
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