I'm trying to merge two files, The Adpoted.txt, and The Originals.txt, into one file, The Big Picture.txt. I'm compiling and getting an insane amount of errors, and am not even sure where to start with them :(. I'm getting errors for lines that don't exist. I suppose I should start with those that do!
What type is 'hisFamily', 'herFamily', etc? Presumably std::ifstream or std::ofstream, from how they are being used. Why are you trying to make multiple variables with the same name ('ins') ?
You haven't declared a type for 'lineCount' (presumably you want unsigned int), you misspelt getline on line 49, you have no streams called 'eds' or 'name', but then you start trying to use this still nonexistant 'name' as an array...
On a logical note, if you are returning 'EXIT_FAILURE' on fail, you may as well keep it neat and return 'EXIT_SUCESS' on successful finish (even though that should turn into '0').
I would say you have a few problems. I'm probably still missing some more as well...