Give error !! bool

#include <iostream>

#include <string>

#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

class Car



string reportingMark;

int carNumber;

string kind;

bool loaded;

string destination;


// make a defult constructor


Car(const string rm, const int nb, const string kd, const bool ld, const string dt);

// copy constructor p817

Car ( const Car &obj)


reportingMark = obj.reportingMark;

carNumber = obj.carNumber;

kind = obj.kind;

loaded = obj.loaded;

destination = obj.destination;



void setUp (const string ,const int ,const string ,

const bool , const string);

bool operator ==(const Car &) const;

void output();


Car::Car ()


reportingMark = " ";

carNumber = 0;

kind = "other";

loaded = false;

destination = "NONE";


Car::Car (const string rm, const int nb, const string kd, const bool ld, const string dt)


setUp(rm ,nb ,kd ,ld ,dt );






int main()


Car car1("SP", 34567, "box", true, "Salt Lake City");

Car car2(car1);

Car car3;

cout << "*********************************" <<endl;

cout << "Contents of car1: ";


cout << "*********************************" <<endl;

cout << "Contents of car2: ";


cout << "*********************************" <<endl;

cout << "Contents of car3: ";


cout << "*********************************" <<endl;

if (car1 == car2)

cout << "car1 is the same car as car2\n";


cout << "car1 is not the same car as car2\n";

if (car2 == car3)

cout << "car2 is the same car as car3\n";


cout << "car2 is not the same car as car3\n";

return 0;




void Car::output()


cout<<"\n\nreportingMark "<<left<<setw(6)<<reportingMark<<endl;

cout<<"carNumber "<<left<<setw(6)<<carNumber<<endl;

cout<<"kind "<<left<<setw(6)<<kind<<endl;

if (loaded == true)

cout<<"loaded "<<left<<setw(6)<<"true"<<endl;


cout<<"loaded "<<left<<setw(6)<<"false"<<endl;

cout<<"destination "<<left<<setw(6)<<destination<<endl;



void Car::setUp(const string rm, const int nb, const string kd, const bool ld, const string dt)


reportingMark = rm;

carNumber = nb;

kind = kd;

loaded = ld;

destination = dt;


bool operator ==(Car A,Car B)/>


if(A.reportingMark =B.reportingMark && A.carNumber = B.carNumber)

return true;


return false;

Please use code tags when posting to this site - find the '<>' button, select all your code and press it.

Your problem is partly the '/>' you have at the end of your operator== function (doing XML half way through?) and also the fact that operator== isn't allowed to access the private variables of your class. Either add it as a friend to your class or add the function to your class, either way.
could u please write for me what should i change? am confused u explain but if u can write the code it is better .
You need to change the implementation of the operator== function to match the prototype declaration. This is the prototype:
bool operator ==(const Car &) const;

your implementation:
bool operator ==(Car A,Car B)/>
should look like this:
bool Car::operator ==(const Car & B) const


And leave off both of these 'A.' in if(A.reportingMark =B.reportingMark && A.carNumber = B.carNumber)

Also, you should be using double equals, since you are comparing, not assigning.
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