Wrapping a native API takes a ridiculous amount of time!

Title^. Just wrapping WIN32 is a pain. But I'm learning a shit load about windows in doing so. Designing good software is hard. Even though I can create any gui component I want. I'd have to spend the time to make it synchronous, asnychronous, and learn how to bubble up messages from the windows procedure. Then there is the ordering of components.

I'm convinced People who actually used the native apis to make large softwares before autocompletion were INSANE!
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Is there a question here? If not maybe move it to the lounge.
its relevant to general programming.
Even so, this kind of content is generally expected in the Lounge.

Why are you re-inventing the wheel, anyway?
Its complex. I'm reinventing the wheel because I am making a custom software project from the bottom up using c++. With it I will eventually be able to make any general project. I made a design for it. I'm not trying to integrate certain other technologies because I'd be dependant on them and I want the project to be as simple as possible to change. What I'm doing now is making it good enough so that I can make at least one app that will scale to the most common platforms/windows/mac/linux. I want speed, and minimization, and total general control, thats why I'm reinventing the wheel. But yeah, for graphics and sound I'd use glfw/opengl/dx and other stuff. I'm inventing a wheel as well, with my framework. It will allow it to be scalable to other platforms like AAA engines do. AND it will automate some other things that I wish not to say.
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Hey, it's okay. All you had to say was "cause I wanna." :O)

It's a fairly large wheel to re-invent, though...
With some time I can integrate some other library. But right now my engine is a mockup and I'm working towards being able to develop at least one working medium scaled application.
Lets just say. My library will be able to scale to be somewhat as rich as java, but for c++ and as fast as c++.

Hey, it's okay. All you had to say was "cause I wanna." :O)

It's a fairly large wheel to re-invent, though...

Definitely, Its difficult and time consuming, thats why I'm picking my battles. My goal right now is to make one good app with it for at least one platform. Most people can't say they could do this. I'm sure you could do it, it involves trial and error though.
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as fast as c++.
What is that supposed to mean? That is like saying it is as fast as English.

What is that supposed to mean? That is like saying it is as fast as English.

What I mean to say as minimal memory wise as c++ when compared to other languages.

less memory use = more speed.
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c++ has no concept of speed or memory... that isnt dependent on the language (for the most part. LB argues that certain constructs play a role)

and less memory != more speed. more processing power and faster buses = more speed
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closed account (10X9216C)
DeX wrote:
less memory use = more speed.

This is completely not true, it depends on what you are doing but using more memory usually results in more speed. Playing uncompressed audio is faster than playing compressed audio, as an example.
guess I need to do more research. Optimization...
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