How to read from a text file whoms name i do not know

Hi guys,
I frequently come to this forum for help but have never posted. I currently have an assignment in which i have to initialize a string and assign this strings value to what is inside a text file that a user will be giving.

most of the solutions to this problem i find online require me to use the ifstream class and to know the file name that will be submitted such as in the code below


using namespace std;

int main() {

ifstream myReadFile;"text.txt");
char output[100];
if (myReadFile.is_open()) {
while (!myReadFile.eof()) {

myReadFile >> output;

return 0;

I need a generalized solution to this problem that does not require me to assume the file name of my user's input (eg: "text.txt")

any ideas?

thank you in advance!

If you have the input in a string, just pass that as the parameter and it will work. We could give more specific help if you posted your code. Remember to use [code][/code] tags.
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