String Manipulator. Im Lost!

closed account (36q54iN6)
I need to do a code that gave me Original string, uppercase string, lowercase string, reverse string (if letter is upper then convert to lower, and if lower then convert it to upper) and uppercase first (first character of each word in uppercase).

I need to do it in functions but i dont know hot to use strings.

The program should provide the option to save the outputs in a file.

If anyone help me i appreciate.
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You probably want to use the toupper() function to return uppercase letters and tolower() to return lowercase letters.
Also if you are using string as the type use a cast static_cast<type>(expression). I think that will work.

Actually you might want reinterpret_cast<type>(expression), although you can just use parentheses.
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You shouldn't need to cast anything here.
In any case, if you're finding yourself using reinterpret_cast, you're probably doing it wrong.
@long double main
My bad then.:p
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