I have a few more questions for C++.
First question is:
I understand and am familiar with cout.
However on this forum I have seen people using:
std: :cout or something similar to it.
Can someone please explain the difference?
I usually use something like this:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
#include <iostream>
#include <Windows.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
cout << "Hi, my name is Irhcsa."
//But then I see someone use something like:
std: : cout << "Like this?"
//Please explain the difference if you can.
Second question is:
I recently learned and have played around with deleting empty folders. I used the following to delete an empty folder:
DeleteDirectory("C:/Program Files/DeleteMe);
But now I am trying to get more creative. I placed a text document inside of the empty folder I have created.
I have tried using something I found searching online but this didn't work:
system("del C:\\Program Files\\DeleteUs.txt);
I want anyone reading to know that I am not just posting these for people to "do my homework" or because I am lazy. I have actually searched for the answer with no success. Also, I am 23 and in the Army so it has nothing to do with homework. I am just curious and starting my path to becoming great at C++.