Anyone knows how Adlib percussion works (compared to the normal sound channels)?
Souce info looked at:
The byte 0xBD of the adlib contains some bits concerning the percussion:
bit 5 - Set: Rhythm enabled (6 melodic voices)
Clear: Rhythm disabled (9 melodic voices)
bit 4 - Bass drum on/off
bit 3 - Snare drum on/off
bit 2 - Tom tom on/off
bit 1 - Cymbal on/off
bit 0 - Hi Hat on/off
I notice that there is a Rythm enabled with with sets channel 6-8 up for generating percussion.
So effectively the channel 6-8 are manipulated using bit 4-0. Can anyone tell me how this works? It seems the key_on of the channels override the rythm for that channel, forcing it into melodic mode?
(I'm trying to implement it into the Fake86 adlib code, which I use in my emulator)
Anyone knows how the random noise generator is used in this? (It seems the adlib has one to use with percussion?)