Accessing elements

Hey, I have successfully created an array called 'diskArray' of deques that stores objects called 'PCB'. I am having trouble understanding how to accesses a public int called 'cylinder' that is stored in my 'PCB'. In my mind the code should look something like this


Any help would be greatly appreciated
.end() on standard library containers returns an iterator to the element past-the-end of the container, which doesn't exist. Maybe you wanted .back() instead, which actually returns a reference to the last element.

Also, you don't need to mention the name of the class anywhere in the expression.

Though I do want to know, why do you need a C-style array of std::deque?
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Thank you this worked

The assignment is to simulate an OS, and so I need to store PCB's in certain disk. I need to keep track of which disk which PCB's are stored in. So there can be 20 disks(the array positions) filled with PCB's (objects stored in the deque's)

And now I have to implement c-look on these stored PCB's and re-organize them (if you have any suggestions or sources for that, that would be awesome)
Why not use std::vector instead of a C-style array? I also am not sure why you need to use a double-ended queue here.
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