Virtual Functions!

I'm writing a program that calculate the carbon footprint for car, building, and bicycle. i have three classes building, car, bicycle. class called carbonfootprint have the pure virtual and should have the formula, but i didn't find it. having a little bit hard understanding some requests. like,

• Write an abstract class CarbonFootprint with only a pure virtual getCarbonFootprint
method. Have each of your classes inherit from that abstract class and implement the getCarbonFootprint method to calculate an appropriate carbon footprint for that class.
• The main() function in the given program creates objects of each of the three classes, places
pointers to those objects in a vector of CarbonFootprint pointers. You need to iterate through
the vector, polymorphically invoking each object’s getCarbonFootprint method.

// Homework09P02.cpp
// Test program for CarbonFootprint and implementing classes.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

int main()

vector< CarbonFootprint* > list;

// add elements to list
list.push_back( new Bicycle() );
list.push_back( new Building( 2500 ) );
list.push_back( new Car( 10 ) );

// display carbon footprint of each object
for ( size_t i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i ){
//TODO: polymorphically invoking each object¡¯s getCarbonFootprint method


// release elements of list
for ( size_t i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i ){
//TODO: release elements in the list
CarbonFootprint* ptr;
delete ptr;

} // end main

class Building

class Car

class Bicycle

class CarbonFootprint


virtual void getCarbonFootprint() = 0;

void getCarbonFootprint()

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Start doing it step by step: Now you are at "Have each of your classes inherit from that abstract class". WQhat problems do you have with this?
ok gd, i'll work on it again.
"Polymorphically invoking each object's getCarbonFootprint() method" simply means to call the getCarbonFootprint() method. :)

Refer to Given examples in this page is simple enough and it replicates your problem statement.

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