Consider the class specification below. Write the prototype (i.e. header) of a member function to overload the insertion operator (i.e. <<). The << operator is to output the data members of an instance of class StudentTestScores into an output stream. Your definition should allow for chaining of output operations (e.g. cout << x << y; where x and y are of type StduentTestScires).
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class StudentTestScores{
string studentName;
float *testScores; // used to point to an array of test scores
int numTestScores; // number of test scores
// Class default constructor
// Class copy constructor
// Class destructor
//class accessors
//class mutators
//overloaded insertion operator
// other functions
Student Name: student_1
Test 1 score: 60
Test 2 score: 70
Test 3 score: 80
Test 4 score: 90
Student Name: student_2
Test 1 score: 65
Test 2 score: 75
Test 3 score: 85
Test 4 score: 95