I'm interested in cataloguing some information in my classes into a static data base that I can search through without initializing all of my classes where the information is much more relevant (the catalogue being auxiliary). Another way of saying this is that I want to define things in a statically initialized variable that is constructed before main, but I want to organize typing the information inside of classes. Maybe I can't do this, but I'm wondering if anyone knows of a way. For example, there might be some kind of macro or maybe some sort of pattern that someone could direct me to. Maybe there is a way to make static data in the classes and then reference it both from the classes and from the static catalogue. The reason I'm interested in doing this is for a globally organized help manual type of thing related to parameter initialization.
I should point out that my initial idea was to call functions from constructors to add data to the static class as I go, but that won't work because the constructors won't be called until after the static data is organized. Initializing all of my classes takes way too long to do for these purposes because there are about half a million lines of code.