C++ and Qt for android programming

Is it advisable to create an android location based reminder with NetBeans IDE?
The title mentions Qt, why not use the Qt IDE? I believe it is called Qt Creator
i would only use the qt ide if you already know qt. it abstracts a lot of operations for you and makes it hard to learn. there is a pdf (ill see if i can find it) that teaches you the qt api, at which point i recommend using qt creator. however, when it comes to andriod development i believe you need to use the andriod sdk which works best with eclipse. (i could be wrong, because i havent ever written an app for andriod before, and i dont know if programming in qt changes any of this)
OP is probably talking about qt mobile which lets you write apps using qt libraries and c++


Android sdk also works with netbeans and android studio (still in beta)
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