What do you recommend for (soon to be former) Code Warrior Mac OS users?

Greetings all,

My wife and I both have used CodeWarrior for programming in C and C++ for years. However, our last Macintosh computers that can run CodeWarrior are getting quite old. We are having real problems finding a usable IDE that runs on current MacOS.

Our basic problem is that we both write a lot of programs that dynamically allocate memory to hold matrices of data. (We are both evolutionary biologists who program as part of our research, not hardcore computer programers; as such, we both use our programs for lots of different data sets with very different dimensions.)

So, let's say that I start with:

int **x;

and after allocating memory, I want to see the value of x[i][j] while debugging. CodeWarrior (like ThinkC before it) had a simple command (control+A) that opened an allocated vector so that you would see (say) all 100 elements 0…j…99 for x[i] in the example above. (This is invaluable when debugging!).

Is there an IDE that can run on Mac OS that does this? For example, XCode provides no way to actually see the value of x[i][j] or the values in x[i][0…j]. This makes it almost impossible for us to figure out what is causing errors, or to even just make sure that even simple calculations are done correctly.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Does XCode not allow you to set breakpoints and start debugging?
Oh, we can set break points. We just cannot find a way to see the values within particular cells of memory-allocated vectors and matrices.

So, if the value in x[i][j] causes problems for some reason (e.g., it has a negative value where it needs to have a positive one or something like that), then we cannot see that and adjust the code accordingly.

(We both use our code on a lot of datasets, many of which are formatted by collaborators. They often put in values or symbols that we don't anticipate; once we "see" that in the debugger, then we know to anticipate it in the future, but we don't know it until we see it!)

We both have talk to a few people who use XCode, but none of them know how to do this. It's possible with NetBeans, but it requires a complicated series of commands: sufficiently so that I forget how to do it after any break from programming!

Thanks for replying, btw.
Have your tried eclipse? There is a way to do this in eclipse. See here:

There is also this if you wish to use codewarrior on eclipse:

Eclipse download page:
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Another option is Code::Blocks, you can watch the contents of an array in the debugger that comes with it.

Code::Blocks download page: http://www.codeblocks.org/downloads/26
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