C++ Linked List Sort a List as It's Being Created?
Mar 20, 2014 at 1:30am UTC
This is part of the header
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class LinkedList
public :
struct ListNode
public :
ListNode( const string& theString, ListNode* pNext = NULL )
word = theString;
pNextNode = pNext;
string word;
ListNode* pNextNode;
public :
LinkedList();//default constructor, written
~LinkedList();//destructor, written
//Given a word, place it in alphabetical position, in the Linked List
void addWord( const string& theWord );//create new node w/ string, add to linked list, help
//Pulls words from a file one by one and passes them to addWord
void addWords( const string& filename );//Not written, but will call addWord in a loop
//remove the first instance of a word in the linked list
void removeWord( const string& theWord );//Not written, plan to do myself
//remove every instance of a given word in the linked list
void removeAllInstancesOfWord( const string& theWord );//Not written, plan to do myself
//Remove all nodes and cleanup after them
void clear();// Written
void printReport( ostream& out ) const ;
private :
ListNode* mpHead;
void removeEnd();//Written
this is the function I'm having trouble with
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void LinkedList::addWord( const string& theWord )
ListNode* pCurr = mpHead;
ListNode* pPrev = NULL;
while (pCurr->pNextNode != NULL)
if (pCurr->word > theWord)
if (!pCurr->pNextNode)
ListNode* node = new ListNode(theWord);
pCurr->pNextNode = node;
pCurr = pCurr->pNextNode;
pPrev = pCurr;
pCurr = pCurr->pNextNode;
This is the cpp that I've been working on
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#include "LinkedList.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
mpHead = NULL;
//add a word to the list in the proper position alphabetically
void LinkedList::addWord( const string& theWord )
ListNode* pCurr = mpHead;
if (mpHead)
while (pCurr->pNextNode != NULL)
pCurr = pCurr->pNextNode;
ListNode* newNode = pCurr->pNextNode;
pCurr->pNextNode = newNode;
newNode->word = theWord;
mpHead->word = theWord;
cout << "right before sortList" ;
//add all words in the file referred to by filename - add them alphabetically
void LinkedList::addWords( const string& filename )
ifstream inFile;
string temp, temp2;
ListNode* pCurr = mpHead;
while (!inFile.eof())
inFile >> temp;
if (!mpHead)
pCurr->word = temp;
while (pCurr->pNextNode != NULL)
pCurr = pCurr->pNextNode;
ListNode* newNode = pCurr->pNextNode;
newNode->word = temp;
//remove the first instance of theWord in the list (and delete it)
void LinkedList::removeWord( const string& theWord )
ListNode* pCurr = mpHead;
ListNode* pPrev = NULL;
if (!pCurr)
pCurr = mpHead->pNextNode;
while ( pCurr != NULL )
if (pCurr->word == theWord)
pPrev->pNextNode = pCurr->pNextNode;
if (!pCurr->pNextNode)
pPrev->pNextNode = NULL;
delete pCurr;
break ;
pPrev = pCurr;
pCurr = pCurr->pNextNode;
//remove all instances of theWord in the list (and delete them)
void LinkedList::removeAllInstancesOfWord( const string& theWord )
bool found = false ;
ListNode* pCurr = mpHead;
while ( pCurr != NULL )
if (pCurr->word == theWord)
pCurr = pCurr->pNextNode;
//remove all words from the list (and delete them)
void LinkedList::clear()
while (mpHead)
void LinkedList::printReport( ostream& out ) const
ListNode* pCurrent = mpHead;
out << "List contains: " ;
while ( pCurrent != NULL )
out << pCurrent->word << " " ;
pCurrent = pCurrent->pNextNode;
out << " EOL\n" ;
void LinkedList::removeEnd()
if ( mpHead )
ListNode* pCurr = mpHead;
ListNode* pPrevPtr = NULL;
while ( pCurr->pNextNode != NULL)
pPrevPtr = pCurr;
pCurr = pCurr->pNextNode;
delete pCurr;
if ( pPrevPtr )
pPrevPtr->pNextNode = NULL;
mpHead = pPrevPtr;
void LinkedList::sortList()
bool swap = true ,
end = false ;
string temp = "" ;
ListNode* pCurr = mpHead;
while (swap)
while (!end)
if (pCurr->word < pCurr->pNextNode->word)
temp = pCurr->word;
pCurr->word = pCurr->pNextNode->word;
pCurr->pNextNode->word = temp;
else if (!pCurr->pNextNode)
end = true ;
if (temp == "" )
swap = false ;
temp = "" ;
Last edited on Mar 20, 2014 at 12:31pm UTC
Mar 20, 2014 at 3:02am UTC
What exactly is the issue you're having?
Mar 20, 2014 at 3:15am UTC
The fact that I get runtime errors when I call it
Mar 20, 2014 at 3:37am UTC
Did you try to use a debugger to determine the state of the program and what line it crashes on?
Mar 20, 2014 at 4:09am UTC
Please explain (add a header comment) to the addword function so that one can understand the logic behind it and provide you with the right fix.
> 3 ListNode* pCurr = mpHead;
Is mpHead always non-NULL here?
> 1 void LinkedList::addWord( const string& theWord )
Is the function complete? I don't think so. For example:
> 8 if(pCurr->word > theWord)
What happens if "theWord" is greater than any of the existing words in the list? Function addWord does not insert(modify) the list?
Mar 20, 2014 at 12:33pm UTC
@ kannanmj
mpHead is only null when the list is first created, that is until the first word is added
addWord is not complete by any means and is the function I need help with
Mar 21, 2014 at 3:33am UTC
23 if(mpHead)
. .
33 else
34 mpHead->word = theWord;
At line 34, mpHead is NULL and it is being used to access a member of the object (non-existing) it is pointing to. This will lead to run-time error.
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