Hi Everyone,
I've recently been assigned a program due this coming week on hash tables. However, the teacher is out of the office until then and despite me asking her, she hasn't been in touch. I am therefore turning to you guys to help me understand what I have to build!
This is the assignment sheet:
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Your assignment is to implement two versions of a hash table in two separate programs, using the code in Chapter 5 of your book. Link to the author’s webpage: http://users.cis.fiu.edu/~weiss/dsaa_c++4/code/ . Note that to instruct the compiler to use the new standard for C++11, you have to add an option to the compile line, as in
g++ -std=c++0x TestAvlTree.cpp
The first program should use separate chaining to handle collisions. The second program should use linear probing. Both programs should have the following features:
• The hash table is implemented in a HashTable class. This class has at least the following functions.
o a constructor function
o insert
o remove
o contains
o makeEmpty
o print
o myhash
o rehash (for second version of program)
• The hash table contains instances of the Symbol class. A Symbol has a name of type string and a type of type int.¬
• Use the name as the key for the hash table.
• Read the symbol data from an external file called “symbols.txt”. I’ll give you a file to use. You can hard-code the name of the file into your program.
• Implement the hash function of your choice.
• Allow the user to indicate the hash table size at the beginning of the program.
• Have your program print out a message each time a collision occurs.
• Have your program print out a message each time a new table is being created.
• Print out the hash table after all the symbols have been read.
Now what I don't understand is the whole "Symbol" class business. I just don't see how that comes into play here. I recognize that for separate chaining I must use a Linked List, however, I just don't see why I couldn't simply read in the text file, store the contents in a vector, hash the name for the key, and insert into the table.
My teacher is insistent on having a Symbol class.
Does anyone understand this better than I do?
Please realize by NO MEANS am I asking you to code this, etc... I'm just asking for clarity as this has been a roadblock for me.
Thank You!