I want to use old version <iostream.h>

Hi all!

I'm want to use the old version for programmin in C++.
I'm want to use the <iostream.h> instead <iostream>. How can I do this.?
I have the Visual Studio 2013 and Rad Studio XE5 (IDE)'s.

IF any body know, how can I set/configure the (IDE)'s for use the <iostream.h> form. Please help me.

Thank for you!!
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Why on Earth do you want to do that?
probably so he doesn't need to put using namespace std; or std:: Also it should let you use it directly unless the compiler does not support it.
Also it should let you use it directly unless the compiler does not support it.

The compiler does not support it, and is not required to support it by the standard. iostream.h has never been a standard header.

I'm with Mats.

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