Do While Loop Problems
I don't understand why my Do While loop skips over the input the second time round?
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#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
string reverseInput(string *);
int main ()
string input;
char ans;
//do while
cout<<"Please input anything you would like to see backwards."<<endl;
getline(cin,input);//cin input
input = reverseInput(&input); //call reverse function
cout << input << endl; //cout reverse input
cout<<"Try again?"<<endl;
cin>> ans;
while (ans!='y');
system ("PAUSE");
//reverse function
string reverseInput (string *strPtr)
string result="";
for (int i=0; i<(*strPtr).length( ); i++)
{ //get length
result = (*strPtr)[i] + result ; //reverse order
return result;
I don't understand why my Do While loop skips over the input the second time round? |
there is a newline left in the input stream from the user pressing enter
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cin>> ans;
cin.ignore(); //<<---------add this
Yes! I even told myself not to forget that at some point. Thank you very much!
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