Multi Agent Path Finding

I am new to Path Finding so I just know BFS, DFS, Djisktra, and Basic A*

I've searched for a few multi agent pathfind paper here and there.
But I can't seem to understand them..

I am path finding in a grid map, 4 ways neighbor movement

My map isn't so big it's 300 x 300 up to 400 x 400
Most of the map is open space, I would say that at worst case 4/5 of the map is open space.
And there is probably around 100 agents.

I've tried running BFS 100 times and it takes around 200ms on average
Changing BFS to A* which I am thinking right now
will definitely cost lesser time

But are there better ways in doing this ?
and also
Does running Single Agent A* multiple times doesn't cause problem for other agent ? perhaps causes deadlocks ? ( Considering that the path that have been determine for agents before the current searched is considered blocked )

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