Need advice

Hello to everyone, I'm a new member and need help with my code.
Write a constructor that initializes a new inventory object with the values passé as arguments, but which also includes a reasonable default value for each parameter.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
class inventory
int prodID;
char prodDescription[20];
int qtyInStock;
inventory()//default constructor
inventory(int a,char *b,int c) //constructor that initializes a new Inventoryobjects with the values passed as arguments
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
inventory obj(1,"cotton tshirt",4);
return 0;
Please Im not trying to get my homewotk done, just to understand my errors.
It complies without problem. But doesn't run.
Thanks again
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> But doesn't run.
It does run. Your program does not take input and does not produce output, it simply creates an object and never use it.

> It complies without problem
It shouldn't.
the correct header is just iostream
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Hi and thanks, the cout statement should go before the main() right?
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