I had a problem getting boost_1_55_0 set up correctly (according to the boost.org), so I deleted the whole thing and re-did it. I'm using Windows 8.1 and Visual Studio 2013. I downloaded the .7z file and unpacked it. Following the guidelines, I made the boost root directory equal to c:\Program Files\boost\boost_1_55_0. I then ran the example program on the boost getting-started page for windows, the one that uses the lambda header, and it worked fine. So far so good. Most of the libraries in boost are header only (as is lambda), so no binaries have to be built. However, there are over a dozen headers (for example <regex> that DO need to have binaries built in order to use them.
This is where I had a problem. Following the procedure on the boost site, you open up a command window, change to the boost root directory (c:\Program Files\boost\boost_1_55_0)and then type in
bootstrap starts the boost build engine. After that operation is completed, you type in
.\b2 which starts the build process. The process seemed to be going alright, but after it was finished I didn't have a lib directory. Instead the build created a bin.v2 directory, and the .lib files were burried in that directory around 6 folders deep. The boost.org page shows a directory structure where the lib folder should be right inside the boost root directory:
1 2 3 4 5
But instead of a lib folder I got a bin.v2 folder with half a dozen descending folders before reaching the .lib files.
Any suggestions on what I have to do to get a lib folder built correctly? Thanks.