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#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cctype>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
using namespace std;
int main()
//declare variable
string state;
char cont;
size_t pos = state.find(" ");
cout << "Enter a State name:";
getline(cin, state);
//If there is two words only read the first letter of each
if (pos==string::npos)
string initial = state.substr(0, 2); //declare intial for first two letters
std::transform(initial.begin(), initial.end(), initial.begin(), std::ptr_fun<int, int>(std::toupper));
cout << "\t" << initial << endl;
cout << "\t" << "Continue(y/n)";
cin >> cont;
cont = tolower(cont);
//Read the first two letters of a single word state
string initial = state.substr(0, 1); //declare intial first letter
string initial2 = state.substr(pos + 1, 1); //declare initial for 2 letter
std::transform(initial.begin(), initial.end(), initial.begin(), std::ptr_fun<int, int>(std::toupper));
std::transform(initial2.begin(), initial2.end(), initial2.begin(), std::ptr_fun<int, int>(std::toupper));
cout << "\t" << initial;
cout << initial2 << endl;
cout << "\t" << "Continue(y/n)";
cin >> cont;
getline(cin, state);
} while (cont == 'y');
return 0;