c++ and mySQL: mySQL++, problem with examples

Im sure some of you have experience with mySQL++, and all im doing now is trying to get things to work.

This one is a bit of a headtwister for me:

I've built, installed, baked, tested and and made love to mysql++. Everything seems to be working: When i run (i.e) simple1.exe from cmd this way: C:\mysql++-3.0.9\vc2008\Debug>simple1.exe -u root -p mommy
it works like a screwdriver, and outputs:

We have:
Pickle Relis
Hot Mustard
Hotdog Buns

When i open the simple1.cpp and rebuild it with const char* db = "mysql_cpp_data", *server = "localhost", *user = "root", *pass = "mommy";
i get the same output, as expected.

BUT, when i create a new project, copy/pasting simple1.cpp, printdata.cpp, printdata.h, cmdline.cpp, cmdline.h into my source- and headerfiles folders, and build the cake, the output becomes:

We have:
*Supercrash with following errormsg*:
"Microsoft Visual Studio C Runtime Library has detected a fatal error in simple1.exe.
Press Break to debug the program or Continue to terminate the program."

So i press break:
lot of dll's loaded
Microsoft Visual Studio C Runtime Library has detected a fatal error in simple1.exe."
And a breakpoint is placed at the line " for (it = res.begin(); it != res.end(); ++it) .... "

So it seems like it cant loop through the database.

I have reinstalled, rebuilt etc several times, but this happens each time. Im using winXP, VS 2008, mysql server 5.0

Any suggestions?

Help would be greatly appreciated!
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