I have noticed something that suggested VS C++ Express does *not* support the Resource Editor.
This may explain why I have not been able to work out how to "paint" .png images in the application window I have created.
If the above is true, is there still any way I can do what I am trying to do... for the first time, after becoming reasonably familiar with C++ 2010 doing things that do not involve windows?
I think the problem is very likely to be that I have not "compiled" the resource "source" file into a proper resource, but when I look in the VS C++ help documentation for the Resource Editor, it tells me to click on this and that... and some of what it tells me to click on is simply not there!
Which is why I asked if it is true that the VS *Express* version of C++ 2010 does *not* support/include the Resource Editor - something I found somewhere when I first began looking for help on the Web.