[URG] What's the difference between absolute c++ and problem solving for walter savitch


I'm Planning to buy a good book as i'm still beginner to C++.

I've been searching and asking my doctors and i found Walter Savitch is the best one for me. However, he has two books and i am really confused which one should i buy and what's the difference between them

absolute c++ and problem solving

You should go for a c++ book that covers the most recent versions of c++ (c++{11, 14, 17}) which is most likely what everyone is getting familiar with now.

Aside from that, my opinion is very biased towards the problem solving book because I think the best way to get to know a language is to not only read about the program, but to program in it as well. And what better way to program in a new language than to solve some interesting problems. The more you solve problems using c++, the more you are able to think in c++ and the easier learning c++ gets
that problem solving book had a pretty bad review at ACCU: http://accu.org/index.php?module=bookreviews&func=search&rid=333

@Cubbi, That review is for the 2nd edition whereas the most recent edition of the book is 8th
Thank you, Really appreciated!

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