Hello! I have a friend that always tells me that he has hacked something or have made a DDOS attack against a site. I'm currently studying programming for around 2 years and I have no idea how he is doing this. I have read many books about C++ programming that include OOP and data structures and my goal is to become a good programmer. But is it necessary to know how to hack if you want to be a programmer? Should I be able to make a DDOS attack if I want to become a programmer?
Depending on what exactly you're programming, it may be helpful to be able to recognize a potential for a DDOS or other potential vulnerabilities - programming textbooks usually ignore these issues. Once you look at a few exploits, you'll never write scanf("%s" again, and your code reviewer will have less work to do.
But how can I learn these things if they are not mentioned in any book. The problem is that I don't know from where to start. Should I first learn how to make DDOS attacks?
Looks like I will wait till I need to do something like this (or against it) :D
It will be too late by then. This isn't like looking up the documentation on a function where you can glance at the notes and start using it right away. These things need to be earnestly studied to be understood, at least for me they do.