I know a majority of C++ but I'm not too advanced. Some of the things I've made so far with C++ are: single/multiplayer Tic-Tac-Toe game with decent AI, Hangman, and Word Jumble with points scored based on word length/point deduction for hints. Nothing hard at all just saying the things I've accomplished with my knowledge so far with C++. Need help for challenges that will make me learn new design flow and knowledge. I want keep learning until I can start a project to make a full 2D game with maybe SDL 2.0, and C++. I haven't learned a scripting language yet any information on that would be highly appreciated! THANK YOU C++ COMMUNITY!
Hmm. How about the bunny problem? It'll introduce you to all sorts of interesting design choices and possibly language! http://www.cplusplus.com/articles/N6vU7k9E/ (Scroll all the way down.)