"Big Bang" programming

So, I've been out of the C++ game for awhile, and I'm getting back into the groove. Decided to create Pong, by using the same sort of framework that's in place for ChessPlusPlus, mostly just so I can understand what the hell is going on there. And I've never made a game before. I got to a point where I'm trying to get the state management down, and it required quite a bit of programming before I could test anything (I believe this is called the Big Bang), and holy hell compile errors. I'm so incredibly rusty, I'm having trouble figuring out the cause of these issues. The first about 'state' not being declared have me perplexed, in particularly.

Here's a link to the GitHub: https://github.com/ResidentBiscuit/SFMLPong/tree/master/src
Here's a paste of the errors: http://fpaste.org/61916/13870801/

Any assistance would mucho appreciated.
Ah figured out the issue with 'state'. Guess I had to compile the header, not sure why.
I can't remember fully, but for your errors in "PongState.hpp", I don't think that you are allowed to initialize the constructors for the objects within the class definition, you would need to do it inside the initializer list for the class itself.
Ah that did! Resolved most of those errors. Thank you sir.
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