Hangman game with word bank input from .txt file

I am trying to pull my words randonly from a wordbank .txt file and so far i have this

#include <iostream>
#include <cctype>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

string word;
char knownLetters[]; // The word could be of any length
int stages = 6; // Our hangman has 6 stages, so the player starts with 6 lives
bool running = 1;

void printStage(int)
void printWord(char[],char[])
void printLettersGuessed(bool[],char[])

int main()
char userGuess
ofstream myfile ("WordBank.txt");
if (myfile.is_open() )
myfile << endl;
cout << "Guess a letter: ";
cin >> userGuess;
bool correct = 0;

for(int pos = 0; pos < 15; pos++) {
if(userGuess == word[pos]) {
knownLetters[pos] = userGuess; // If the letter is in the word, mark it as guessed
correct = 1;
if(correct == 0) stages--; // If the letter was wrong, subtract a life
correct = 0;
return 0;
cout << "a word could not be found in the word bank, or it does not exist.";
return 0;

void printStage(int)
switch(stages) {
case 6:
cout << " +-----+" << endl;
cout << " : :" << endl;
cout << " :" << endl;
cout << " :" << endl;
cout << " :" << endl;
cout << " :" << endl;
cout << " :" << endl;
cout << " :" << endl;
cout << "--------------";
case 5:
cout << " +-----+" << endl;
cout << " : :" << endl;
cout << " : 0" << endl;
cout << " :" << endl;
cout << " :" << endl;
cout << " :" << endl;
cout << " :" << endl;
cout << " :" << endl;
cout << "--------------";
case 4:
cout << " +-----+" << endl;
cout << " : :" << endl;
cout << " : 0" << endl;
cout << " : :" << endl;
cout << " : :" << endl;
cout << " :" << endl;
cout << " :" << endl;
cout << " :" << endl;
cout << "--------------";
case 3:
cout << " +-----+" << endl;
cout << " : :" << endl;
cout << " : 0" << endl;
cout << " : :" << "\\" << endl;
cout << " : :" << endl;
cout << " :" << endl;
cout << " :" << endl;
cout << " :" << endl;
cout << "--------------";
case 2:
cout << " +-----+" << endl;
cout << " : :" << endl;
cout << " : 0" << endl;
cout << " : "<< "/" << ":" << "\\" << endl;
cout << " : :" << endl;
cout << " :" << endl;
cout << " :" << endl;
cout << " :" << endl;
cout << "--------------";
case 1:
cout << " +-----+" << endl;
cout << " : :" << endl;
cout << " : 0" << endl;
cout << " : " << "/" << ":" << "\\" << endl;
cout << " : :" << endl;
cout << " : " << "\\" << endl;
cout << " :" << endl;
cout << " :" << endl;
cout << "--------------";
case 0:
cout << " +-----+" << endl;
cout << " : :" << endl;
cout << " : 0" << endl;
cout << " : " << "/" << ":" << "\\"<< endl;
cout << " : :" << endl;
cout << " : " << "/" << " \\" << endl;
cout << " :" << endl;
cout << " : DEAD!" << endl;
cout << "--------------";


void printWord(char[],char[])
for(int pos = 0; pos < word.length(); pos++) {
if(knownLetters[pos] == word[pos]) cout << word[pos];
else cout << "_";

void printLettersGuessed(bool[],char[])


Can someone help me with my errors?
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i was also given the parameters of using an array to switch lowercase inputs to uppercase, and to create an array for the inputs that match the wordbank pool.
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