How does this work?
Oct 13, 2013 at 11:20pm UTC
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struct free_throws
std::string name;
int made;
int attempts;
float percent;
Function definition
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free_throws & accumulate(free_throws & target, const free_throws & source)
target.attempts += source.attempts;
target.made += source.made;
return target;
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free_throws dup;
free_throws four = {"Whily Looper" , 5, 9};
free_throws five = {"Long Long" , 6, 14};
accumulate(dup,five) = four;
How exactly does
accumulate(dup,five) = four; work? It seems like it is assigning a free_throws value to a function which does not exactly make logical sense.
Oct 14, 2013 at 7:03am UTC
return a value, in this case:
free_throws &
so if there is
return target
and target is reference to
then line
accumulate(dup,five) = four;
is assigning
struct four
values to
struct dup
so if you have function that return value, treat it, as value it returns. It is the best seen in IDE using code completion.
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std::string func()
std::string asd("asdasd" );
return asd;
and when using this function you have access to all all std::string asd methods:
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int main ()
asd().c_str()[0] = 's' ;
//asd().at[1] ... [etc]
return 0;
Last edited on Oct 14, 2013 at 7:10am UTC
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