Problem in SDL won't detect debugger

Current compiler doesn't have correctly defined debugger!
ToDoList: Warning: No to-do types or comment symbols selected to search for, nothing to do.
ToDoList: Warning: No to-do types or comment symbols selected to search for, nothing to do.
Create new parser for project 'Test'
Project 'Test' parsing stage done!
can not find -lmingw32 -lSDLmain-lSDL
either you should find one with mingw32 bundled or install it.

a link if you want

and to install sdl, follow lazyfoo
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brv thats the same link i downloaded from and yes it ming32.exe does it have to do something with debugger my ones vc 2010 c++ express
Sharan123 wrote:
can not find -lmingw32 -lSDLmain-lSDL

this error means it cant find libmingw32.a, libSDLmain.a, libSDL.a

so i suggest you to check the lib folder if they exist or check the linker if you add or not the lib directory which holds these files
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