Hello friends... I want to access a text file which is not in the BIN folder thro' a TurboC++ compiler
For accessing a text file name qns.txt i can put fstream f("qns.txt");
but if the text file is NOT in the BIN and is in another folder say, a folder ABC inside BIN, i.e its directory is D:\TC\BIN\ABC\qns.txt then how can i access it through the same method? Is it possible? Then how? Thanks in advance :)
you dont need the dot on windows, unless turbo c++ is a weird compiler.
.. is the "pointer" to its parent folder, which allows you to move up in the file system
. "points" to the current directory. so .\\folder\\other~folder\\whatev.txt
instead of folder\\other~folder\\whatev.txt is like
bool mybool = true;
while(mybool == true)
intstead of while(mybool)
i know its only a dot, but it should still be explained