slight hick up with a factoring program

My program is giving me factors but its also giving me other numbers i put the variables as int but i think its still using the decimal places for the modulus function here is my program. any help would be greatly appreciated.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

int main(void)
int num,
factor = 2,
counter = 0;

cout << "Please Enter a Positive Number: " << endl;
cin >> num;

if (( || (num < 0))
cout << "Positive Numbers Only, Please Re-Enter: " << endl;
cin >> num;}

if ((num % factor)!= 0)

else if ((num % factor) == 0)
(num = num / factor);
cout << setw (10) << factor << " ";
counter++; factor++;
{if (counter % 4 == 0)
cout << endl;}

while (factor <= num);


return 0;
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