conversion program code errors help please

Im very new to programming and i have to write a code to convert centimeters to yards feet and inches i have the code wrtten up and keep getting 2 errors saying im missing a ; before << but im not sure why help please

#include <iostream> //For cin and cout
using namespace std;

int main(void)
double centimeters; //INPUT

cout << "Enter Centimeters Here: " << endl;
cin >> centimeters;

double conv2inch, //CALCULATIONS

conv2inch = centimeters / 2.54;
inches = conv2inch;
feet = floor(inches / 12);
Rinch = inches - (feet * 12);
yards = floor(feet / 3);
Rfeet = feet - (yards * 3);

cout << "\n\nCentimeter: " << centimeters << endl //OUTPUT
<< "\n\nAnswers: "
<< "\nYards= " << yards;
error----> << "Feet= " << Rfeet;
error----> << "Inches= " << Rinch << "\n" << endl;

//The next two lines stop the Command Prompt window from closing
//until the user presses a key, including Enter.
cout << "Press any key to exit." << endl;

return 0;
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cout << "\n\nCentimeter: " << centimeters << endl //OUTPUT
<< "\n\nAnswers: "
<< "\nYards= " << yards;
error----> << "Feet= " << Rfeet;
error----> << "Inches= " << Rinch << "\n" << endl;

You placed a semicolon after variable yards. So this statement was ended. And as the result the next statement starts as

<< "Feet= " << Rfeet;

Either you can place cout in the beginning of this line

cout << "Feet= " << Rfeet;

Or you should remove the previous semicolon. The same is valid for the second statement with the error.
Oh cool ty very much it was driving me crazy
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