Discrepancy Between Constructor "output" and following print call to the object?

I am creating a Matrix class, and one of the constructors parses a string into a matrix. However, printing the result of the constructor (this->Print()) prints what I expect, and an <object_just_created>.Print() call returns bogus data. How is this even possible?
Thank you in advance, I have posted some snippets below.


Matrix::Matrix(const string &str)
// Parse a new matrix from the given string
Matrix r = Matrix::Parse(str);
nRows = r.nRows;
nCols = r.nCols;
NaM = r.IsNaM();
elements = new Element_t[nRows*nCols];

for ( Index_t i=0; i < nRows; i++ )
for ( Index_t j=0 ; j < nCols ; j++)
elements[i*nCols+j] = r.elements[i*nCols+j];



in the driver program, here are the two successive calls

Matrix mm6("[1 2 3.8 4 5; 6 7 8 9 10; 20.4 68.2 1341.2 -15135 -80.9999]");
// mm6.Print() calls bogus data, -2.65698e+303 at each location. The matrix's
// underlying array is valid, because printing the addresses yields a block
// of memory 8 bits apart for each location
> underlying array is valid, because printing the addresses yields a block
> of memory 8 bits apart for each location

My guess is that you have a bad copy constructor, causing a double delete.
Or you manage to screw `Print()' (or `Parse()')

You shouldn't need to manually manage the memory, so make `elements' an std::vector or std::valarray.
> underlying array is valid, because printing the addresses yields a block
> of memory 8 bits apart for each location

The array is type double. Each element in a type-double array is 8 bits.

Print() and Parse() functions have proven to work correctly under identical conditions, but I'll look into the possibility of a double delete, however strange that seems.

This is for a course, with specific requirements.
> Each element in a type-double array is 8 bits.
Even if that were the case, what I mean is how were you able to check validity of the array.
Printing addresses would imply simply pointer arithmetic
The matrix's underlying array is valid, because printing the addresses yields a block of memory 8 bits apart for each location
The array is type double. Each element in a type-double array is 8 bits.

#include <iostream>

int main()
    double* ptr = nullptr ;

    for ( unsigned i=0; i<9 ; ++i )
        std::cout << &ptr[i] << '\n' ;

You tell the compiler how to treat the memory. The compiler generates code to reflect what you've asked it to assume. It does not reflect some underlying structure - there isn't anything but bits there.
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