I am creating a Matrix class, and one of the constructors parses a string into a matrix. However, printing the result of the constructor (this->Print()) prints what I expect, and an <object_just_created>.Print() call returns bogus data. How is this even possible?
Thank you in advance, I have posted some snippets below.
Matrix::Matrix(const string &str)
// Parse a new matrix from the given string
Matrix r = Matrix::Parse(str);
nRows = r.nRows;
nCols = r.nCols;
NaM = r.IsNaM();
elements = new Element_t[nRows*nCols];
for ( Index_t i=0; i < nRows; i++ )
for ( Index_t j=0 ; j < nCols ; j++)
elements[i*nCols+j] = r.elements[i*nCols+j];
in the driver program, here are the two successive calls
Matrix mm6("[1 2 3.8 4 5; 6 7 8 9 10; 20.4 68.2 1341.2 -15135 -80.9999]");
// mm6.Print() calls bogus data, -2.65698e+303 at each location. The matrix's
// underlying array is valid, because printing the addresses yields a block
// of memory 8 bits apart for each location
> underlying array is valid, because printing the addresses yields a block
> of memory 8 bits apart for each location
The array is type double. Each element in a type-double array is 8 bits.
Print() and Parse() functions have proven to work correctly under identical conditions, but I'll look into the possibility of a double delete, however strange that seems.
> Each element in a type-double array is 8 bits.
Even if that were the case, what I mean is how were you able to check validity of the array.
Printing addresses would imply simply pointer arithmetic
You tell the compiler how to treat the memory. The compiler generates code to reflect what you've asked it to assume. It does not reflect some underlying structure - there isn't anything but bits there.