CSV manipulation

Im not sure if Im able to upload files. But this is what Im trying to do. I have a CSV file called retirements_2063.csv and two files leagueleaders_batting2063.csv and leagueleaders_pitching2063.csv. Each file has a column with the heading id. I want to read retirements_2063.csv and move the matching id from leagueleaders_batting2063.csv and leagueleaders_pitching2063.csv to new separate files named retired_pitching2063.csv and retired_hitting2063.csv. I guess it would be easier to have two separate programs. one that reads and writes the hitting files, and one that reads and writes the pitching files. The years of the files change each year but can be renamed if needed.
Here is a youtube video of me doing this within excel. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPemLFspwDc&feature=youtu.be
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