How to work with visual interface in C++?

I am teaching myself C++, I have downloaded code::blocks and even run my first hello world scripts and a bit more, but so far all the tutorials I have bee using seem to using the shell command to display the data. I mean, when I run the program, I can only see the output from the command line interface, but I actually want to see panels, like the javascript window with button and everything, so, how do I actually call that in C++ terminology, and how can I run a simple hello world script or something similar using it? Is there any link that could show me a simple tutorial using this basic interface, instead of using a black screen to run everythin?
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C++ is not a scripting language.

In your IDE, Code::Blocks, there is a build tab from which you can select: build, build and run, run, rebuild, etc.
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The C++ language does not include support for GUI's. C++ at its core is a language for 'systems programming/back ends', not GUI development. The default output device is the console.

There are many GUI toolkits written in and designed to work with C++. Among the most popular are Qt, WxWidgets and GTK. These all provide cross platform GUI support.

Qt is probably the easiest to use for a beginner and is also the most highly evolved IMO. Qt is available as open source, and is easy to install and use with their QtCreator and Qt Designer, which is a form designer/code generator. Using Qt you can write a GUI app with a main form that will show messages in a window title, label or status bar that requires you to write only 4 or 5 lines of C++ code. See for everything you need to know about Qt open source.

Note: The Qt platform (and the others AFAIK) has many extensions to C++ that are not native - i.e. not part of the official C++ spec. If and when you use it, take note of this.
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