I need one program code plz i have exam plz

Write a program that asks the user for the current date, tells the user what tomorrow's date is, tells the user whether the next day is a holiday, and tells the user what the last day in the current month is. Make sure the following is included in your code:
1. A class "Date" which handles the operations described above
2. A member function called "increment" which will be used to tell the user what tomorrow's date is
3. A holiday in a date object used to refer to when determining whether the next day is a holiday

output--->>must be in this format

sample 1:

Enter month, day, year: 2 28 2007
tomorrow is not a holiday
last day in current month is 28
tomorrow is 3/1/2007

sample 2:
Enter month, day, year: 2 29 2007
today's date is wrong

sample 3:
Enter month, day, year: 1 1 2009
tomorrow is not a holiday
last day in current month is 31
tomorrow is 1/2/2009

sample 4:
Enter month, day, year: 12 31 2009
tomorrow is New Year
last day in current month is 31
tomorrow is 1/1/2010

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Please show us what your first attempt to the problem is?
Did you write anything so far?
Where did the problems occur?

No one will write it for you.
This is not a homework service!

If you don't know much in C++, then I recommend you start learning now, before you fail the exam.

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