highway simulator

i want to draw a highway, this simulator must not be graphical (must draw by "|" and "-" and...) . this highway include 3 type of car,1- heavy 2-light heavy 3-light, these cars move from start point to quit at end of highway, highway must be object (programmed by class), and have 200 coloumns and 4 raw, it must be horizontal... . the cars speed are diffrent, speed =1,2,3; length=1,2,3;
please help meeeeeeee :((((((( pleaaaase
Sounds like something that should be placed in "Jobs".
please help me :| please :(
Looks like a homework assignment. We don't do your homework for you. If you want some help, you should first make some attempt at a solution yourself, when you get stuck with a particular issue, then ask for help showing us your code.
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