Program that calculates student grades

Good evening, I have to make a program that reads two student grades, the average of the two has to be 6, if you can not take an average of 6, will make a third test and calculate a new average.

I'm not getting the new display medium, without repeating the approved and disapproved, can someone take a look and help me?

// TRABAV2.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])

float av1[30], av2[30], av3[30], media[30], media2[30];
int i, qtd, matri[30];

cout<<"Digite o numero de alunos: ";

for (i=1;i<=qtd;i++)
cout<<"Matricula ";
cout<<"AV1: ";
while (av1[i]>10)
cout<<"0 a 10. AV1: ";
cout<<"AV2: ";
while (av2[i]>10)
cout<<"0 a 10. AV2: ";


while (media[i]>=6)
if (media[i]<6)
cout<<"AV3: ";
system ("pause");
return 0;

thx! :)
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Maybe giving a little more explanation of the requirements of the program would allow people to help you more effectively.

Your first line is helpful in explaining the program's purpose:
I have to make a program that reads two student grades, the average of the two has to be 6, if you can not take an average of 6, will make a third test and calculate a new average.

But could you clarify and possibly add to this comment:
I'm not getting the new display medium, without repeating the approved and disapproved...

As a clarifying question, do you mean how come your new median or average result calculated in av3 isn't being displayed by itself (i.e. without "Aprovado!")?
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