URGENT - Controlled Read and Write rates of files

need to create a program for the following problem

1. Program takes messages as input at a rate “X” msg/sec, and outputs those messages at “Y” mgs/sec in a file.
2. The peak value of X can be 10msg/sec, and Y can be at max 5msg/sec. System should be designed in such a way that it can handle the peak input rate of 10msg/sec for not beyond 5 minutes.
3. Message contains following fields – unit id, timestamp, temperature.
4. Input data to be read from a file. Output data to be written to a file.
5. For testing design 3 types of profiles –
a. Profile 1 for 10 min – low rate, i.e. X = 4 msg/sec on an average throughout the period.
b. Profile 2 for 10 min – Max rate, i.e. X = 10 msg/sec for 2 min; then a sleep of 2 min, then repeat the same pattern till complete period
c. Profile 3 for 10 min - Max rate, i.e. X = 10 msg/sec for 5 min; then no traffic for next 5 min

pls help its URGENT
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