I want to design a tool which generates c++ interface from android interface definition language.In short i am designing an aidl compiler.I am facing tough time as i dont know how to develop AST (Abstract syntax tree) for cpp. Any ideas are welcome.
Have you looked at Android's own the AIDL compiler? Could that be adapted to generate C++ rather than Java (various newsgroups suggest people have looked into this)
And as...
AIDL (Android Interface Definition Language) is similar to other IDLs you might have worked with.
I had seen the source code for aidl compiler.The lex and yacc files are there in it and generate_java files in it.I dont want to build the compiler from scratch.I need to make adjustments or generate new files such that c++ interface can be generated .
Now to get the c++ interface,is it sufficient if i write generate_cpp files or is there a need to change the AST files also.