I'm pretty confused about this function I am trying to modify.. I was under the impression that templates can be used to replace any type of generic data.. I don't understand why this headInsert function giving me a no matching function error.. This is a lab assignment, but i'm having trouble understanding what is going wrong. We are learning hash tables right now.. and this part of the lab deals with chained hash tables for collision.
#ifndef HASHTABLE_H_
#define HASHTABLE_H_
using SavitchListTools::Node;
using std::string;
namespace SavitchHashTable {
constint SIZE = 10;
class HashTable {
HashTable(); // Initialize empty hash table
// Normally a copy constructor and overloaded assignment
// operator would be included. They have been omitted
// to save space.
virtual ~HashTable(); // Destructor destroys hash table
bool containsString(string target) const;
// Returns true if target is in the hash table,
// false otherwise
int get(string target) const;
void put(string s);
// Adds a new string to the hash table
void put(string s, constint n);
Node<string> *hashArray[SIZE];
staticint computeHash(string s); // Compute hash value for string
staticint computeHash(string s, int n);
}; // HashTable
} /* namespace SavitchHashTable */
#endif /* HASHTABLE_H_ */
#ifndef LISTTOOLS_H_
#define LISTTOOLS_H_
namespace SavitchListTools {
* Node class - a single node in a linked list
template<class T>
class Node {
Node(const T& strData, const T& intData, Node<T>* theLink) :
strData(strData),intData(intData), link(theLink) {
Node<T>* getLink() const {
return link;
const T& getData() const {
return strData;
void setData(const T& iStrData, const T& iIntData) {
iStrData = strData;
iIntData = intData;
void setLink(Node<T>* pointer) {
link = pointer;
T strData;
T intData;
Node<T> *link;
* headInsert
* - Precondition: The pointer variable head points to the head of
* a linked list.
* - Postcondition: A new node containing "theData" has been added
* at the head of the linked list.
template<class T>
void headInsert(Node<T>*& head, const T& strData, const T& intData);
* insert function
* - Precondition: afterMe points to a node in a linked list.
* - Postcondition: A new node containing "theData" has been added
* after the node pointed to by afterMe.
template<class T>
void insert(Node<T>* afterMe, const T& strData, const T& intData);
* deleteNode
* - Precondition: The pointers before point to nodes that has at
* least one node after it in the linked list.
* - Postcondition: The node after the node pointed to by before
* has been removed from the linked list and its storage
* returned to the freestore.
template<class T>
void deleteNode(Node<T>* before);
* deleteFirstNode
* - Precondition: The pointers head points to the first node in a
* linked list; with at least one node.
* - Postcondition: The node pointed to by head has been removed for
* the linked list and its storage returned to the freestore.
template<class T>
void deleteFirstNode(Node<T>*& head);
* search function
* - Precondition: The pointer head points to the head of a linked list.
* The pointer variable in the last node is NULL.
* head (first) node - should be defined for type T.
* (== is used as the criterion for being equal).
* If the list is empty, then head is NULL.
* Returns a pointer that points to the first node that is equal to
* the target. If no node equals the target, the function returns NULL.
template<class T>
Node<T>* search(Node<T>* head, const T& target);
} /* namespace SavitchListTools */
#endif /* LISTTOOLS_H_ */
headInsert() is defined so that the type of its second parameter (type T) must match the type of the element held by the node in the first parameter (type Node<T>).
When you're calling it in HashTable.cpp, you're passing a Node<string> as the first argument, and an int as the second argument. There is no matching function to call.
Also, note that you're trying to define your templates in cpp files, this won't work: move them to header files.