Help with Pointers and Arrays

Hi, I am new to C programming and currently using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 to write C++ programs. Im having trouble with an assignment that requires the addition subtraction multiplication and determinant of 2 dimensional arrays of any dimension which is inputted by the user. How do I write the program so that the size of the arrays can be of any dimension? Is it also possible to calculate them all in one program?

Thanks in advance!
Two options:

1) Dynamically allocate the memory for the array, using new.

2) Use the vector container class from the STL instead of old-fashioned C-style arrays.

I recommend the second.
Will I have to specify a range for the vector? Sorry I really am new to this!
Not if you don't want to. They can resize themselves as you add elements to them.

There is information about them in the Reference section on this site, along with other STL container classes.
Thanks for your help, much appreciated.
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