Beginners - September 2024

by zzzhhh
Why const literal class is not a constexpr even if initialized from a constexpr?
class test{ public: constexpr test(){} constexpr int operator+(const test& rhs) const { return 1+rhs.x ; } int x = 10 ; }; cons...
[4 replies] Last: Good point. I suppose you could remove x. I'm not sure what the point ... (by DizzyDon)
Unhandled Exception: System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is... (1,2)
Hi, I am getting an error when I run my program. the error is... Unhandled Exception: System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write prote...
[26 replies] Last: you can choose to hunt down some of the offending memory hogs and mov... (by seeplus)
Bit set function not working correctly?
Good day, I don't know how to ask this as I don't totally understand things but I'm having an issue. My program reads tiles and tile sets from a game. The...
[12 replies] Last: [quote=Cyclone]My code is messy and had left over variables from testi... (by TheIdeasMan)
Git problem
Hi. I am trying to get out a confused git situation. I can't really remember how I got there, but I want to get out and manage to add, commit and push like bef...
[7 replies] Last: Thanks for the replays I kind of solved the issue (by Jonathan100)
by Mif
C programming. Using uninitialized memory warning.
I keep getting this warning even I initialize the memory, then I double-check the code paths to ensure no element in allNodes or closedSet is accessed before al...
[17 replies] Last: I found a lot of info and a few C implementations for the A* Search al... (by deleted account xyzzy)
  Archived months: [aug2024] [oct2024]

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