Beginners - September 2019 (Page 3)

Beginning C++ Programming
Hi, I am 22 years old, and I have been programming with Visual Basic 6 for over 3 years. I want to move into the most technical area of programming i.e. C++...
[2 replies] Last: What career paths are available to me? -- C++ *can* do anything, but a... (by jonnin)
Binary search
The following code supposedly worked in my school lab (in Turbo C++), but at home (in Dev C++) it doesn't seem to do that same. The program is for Binary search...
[3 replies] Last: turbo should have a debugger, though the last time I used it was in 19... (by jonnin)
Assistance with WHILE
Write a program to sum up either all the even numbers or all the odd numbers from 0 to N where you will prompt the user for the word 'even' or 'odd' and the val...
[7 replies] Last: what you have is fine if you want a for loop (which is correct for the... (by jonnin)
dice roll project
Iv been trying to get this program for my university course to work but I am completely stuck and have no idea what Im doing really. I only started programming ...
[4 replies] Last: Sorry just didn't see the beginners forum when I made the post the oth... (by VictoryCFC)
Not Throwing Error
So I am trying to get my program to throw an error if the user enters a letter or anything that isn't a number but whenever I run the program it jumps straight ...
[5 replies] Last: Leverage the power the Standard Library/Standard Template Library give... (by deleted account xyzzy)
code not working on xcode
hello, i am a beginner in C++ this is the code i wrote for finding largest number using xcode IDE it doesnt show any errors, but doesnt give output either. h...
[3 replies] Last: Ooops, I must have been severely caffeine deprived when I looked at yo... (by deleted account xyzzy)
by Bopaki
On the function print() I get this error message below
I get this error when compiling my program: Compiler: Default compiler Executing g++.exe... g++.exe "C:\Dev-Cpp\newHeadInsert.cpp" -o "C:\Dev-Cpp\newHead...
[6 replies] Last: Thank you to all. Problem now solved and works fine (by Bopaki)
by Bopaki
This version of the program freezes & does nothing after entering the data
Nothing happens after entering the data Enter numbers ending with -999 45 62 34 98 123 -999 #include<iostream> #include<list> #include<casse...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you coder777 The problem have now been solved (by Bopaki)
Creating a memory leak with C++
I've been trying to create a program that causes memory leak where it will crash my system. The code below managed to cause a small spike of memory leak in m...
[3 replies] Last: Your program is crashing, but you are not creating a memory leak. new... (by deleted account xyzzy)
Array, Vector, etc...
Hi, I need help creating a table. It can be a vector, 2d array, or 4 parallel arrays. I need the number of rows to be a variable and the number of columns ...
[1 reply] : Start by defining a structure representing the data in a single row .... (by mbozzi)
by HowieW
Shipping Calculator problems
I am having difficulty getting the total charges to appear when I run through the program. can anyone help me see the error in my ways. #include <iostre...
[5 replies] Last: Part two. I was doing really good until I reached line 52. First I re... (by Handy Andy)
Fibonacci Sequence
Hey guys so I am trying to modify this without using function pointers. And so that I do not have to use a file to show the results. I'm not sure where to start...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you. I changed it to something much simpler. #include <iostre... (by CodingIsHard17)
template function
Hi, I would like to create a template function that take a function to be called at a specific point. I didn't find the good way to do it. This is what I got...
[3 replies] Last: Yeah, I figured it was something external that was forcing you to use ... (by Ganado)
difference between int *p and int* p
Hello, I am self learning C++. I have 3 questions: 1. what is the difference between int *p and int* p 2. int *p; cout << p;.................. (line ...
[10 replies] Last: Note: Your "memory address" is a hexadecimal number. All hexadecima... (by jonnin)
Getting input from keyboard problem
Hey guys, first off my code is messy, none modular and hard to read but I'm not making any useful program, I'm just learning how to use the GetAsyncKeyState ...
[3 replies] Last: strange seems to be working now with lower case w, wonder what was wro... (by adam2016)
do-while loop issue
Hello! I am new to c++ and I am trying to use a do-while loop with strictly if-else nested statement. But I am encountering an issue where my loop does not brea...
[7 replies] Last: You didn't change if (grade == 'A' || 'a') to if (grade == 'A' || gra... (by Ganado)
Push() and Pop() Methods for a Stack Class
Hello! Hi everyone! I am currently attempting to code a stack class for C++. The stack has two basic functions: push(double val) and pop(). Here is my co...
[13 replies] Last: @aardeehar, Here's one possible framework. You can fill in the blanks.... (by lastchance)
How to declared tax as a constant ?
Hi Im a beginner(obviously)currently writting a program for my assigment on Dev++ (version 5.11), the assignment question stated that "Your C++ Program Must Dec...
[2 replies] Last: coder 777 it worked, thanks i appreciate your help (by arifflyn)
Project help
Hey everyone! I'm very new to programming (just now taking some beginner courses at school) and I have to write this code ... I'm at a stuck point getting these...
[7 replies] Last: On line 16: if a > 2 then discriminant will be negative. There is no... (by coder777)
Please check my if and else statement
Example: Enter a letter grade: a Grade range is 90 – 100 Enter a letter grade: B Grade range is 80 – 89 << this is my instruction here is my code #i...
[2 replies] Last: if (Grade==a && Grade==A) That won't do what you're expecting. Here... (by zapshe)
September 2019 Pages: 12345... 13
  Archived months: [aug2019] [oct2019]

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