by Bettarun3
Error message, newbie
[3 replies] Last: One more error: Line 51: sizeof(id) That's not going to give you ... (by AbstractionAnon)
by harindra1992
input .elf file problem
[1 reply] : Hello harindra1992, Post your code and a sample of the input file. Ju... (by Handy Andy)
by dozalee
urgent help needed
[2 replies] Last: Unfortunately this is not a homework site so the only advice possible ... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
by sesslit805
classes in one file
[1 reply] : The problem is that you create an empty vector on line 117. On line 67... (by coder777)
by a4ms
Exchanging values from vectors
[2 replies] Last: consider a vector that has 9 positions where each element (the value ... (by Enoizat)
by KatPantle
[1 reply] : write the pseudocode or draw the flow diagram first. loop the game ... (by ne555)
by thaooherb
"Pass line" bet proceeds
[4 replies] Last: Thanks. I got it. (by thaooherb)
by MeganFox
How to call a derived class function from a base class
[4 replies] Last: Oh wow I finally get it!! Thank you sooooooo much for the help... I r... (by MeganFox)
by Vitesze
How do I concatenate int variables?
[8 replies] Last: To concatenate C-strings you need to use std::strcat . Obviously std... (by mbozzi)
by shimshim96
sum of alternating series with an error limit
[5 replies] Last: Yes, exactly. or k++; for common shorthand. (by Ganado)
by jamesfarrow
help with function
[2 replies] Last: You can use a functor. A functor, in non-technical terms, is an object... (by Ganado)
by JasonMcG
SFML - Enemy movement to Player
[1 reply] : Let E(0) be the enemy's starting position and P(0) the player's positi... (by helios)
Find and Erase a "," without for loops etc... |
[14 replies] Last: The problem is taking (lastName, firstName middleName) as one input a... (by jlb)
by donda97
Getting user input in a for loop
[1 reply] : Use an array, or better, a vector. #include <iostream> #include <vec... (by Chervil)
by fresh716
I’ve update my code Could you please have a look at it
[2 replies] Last: Hi, fresh716. If you modify an existing post of yours, it doesn’t bu... (by Enoizat)
why it shows me "1" |
[9 replies] Last: b is a variable. (in this case the it is the name of a function, whic... (by jonnin)
Tuples |
[5 replies] Last: Excellent and good luck with it, I doubt you'll go back. If you need G... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
by NewbieInCPP
Using iterators to read data from file.
[5 replies] Last: could also re-direct the stream buffer associated with std::cout to th... (by gunnerfunner)
Graphics library | #include <Graphics> on MAC |
[1 reply] : Actually, there are SDL2 BGI bindings: (by Duthomhas)
really really need your help....plz |
[3 replies] Last: So, instead of assigning the (uninitialised) value of a to the funct... (by MikeyBoy)