Beginners - September 2017 (Page 9)

Error message, newbie
Line 26** initialize function does not take 4 arguments, working on a code that will allow me to see add, and search for a team. Just trying to take it bit by b...
[3 replies] Last: One more error: Line 51: sizeof(id) That's not going to give you ... (by AbstractionAnon)
input .elf file problem
Write your question here. hello I am taking .elf file as input file. but ild.exe is how can I solve this issue.i am using code block ide
[1 reply] : Hello harindra1992, Post your code and a sample of the input file. Ju... (by Handy Andy)
urgent help needed
urgent help needed. i want help to write a function in c++ that will read values which are stored in an and users can perform operations such as finding the ...
[2 replies] Last: Unfortunately this is not a homework site so the only advice possible ... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
classes in one file
So We are supposed to used classes and write a program so that it reads the file and then outputs everything in the vector. At first nothing pritned and then wh...
[1 reply] : The problem is that you create an empty vector on line 117. On line 67... (by coder777)
by a4ms
Exchanging values from vectors
First of all, this is my first post :) The example is : consider a vector that has 9 positions where each element (the value of them ) is the next position . ...
[2 replies] Last: consider a vector that has 9 positions where each element (the value ... (by Enoizat)
Hey Everyone, I am working on a school project. This program is supposed to be a 2 person player game *user vs CPU*. The user inputs a number 1 2 or 3 and it i...
[1 reply] : write the pseudocode or draw the flow diagram first. loop the game ... (by ne555)
"Pass line" bet proceeds
I have written this code and it works. However, I hope someone can give me some comments to improve it. Thanks in advance. This is the question. /*In the ga...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks. I got it. (by thaooherb)
How to call a derived class function from a base class
Hi, everyone! So from main(), V .display() first calls B::display() or C::display (depending on what an user types in main()). And then they call A::display(). ...
[4 replies] Last: Oh wow I finally get it!! Thank you sooooooo much for the help... I r... (by MeganFox)
How do I concatenate int variables?
I have something like: int MCC, MND, LAC, CID; void loop() MCC = (towerInfo->mobileCountryCode); MNC = (towerInfo->mobileNetworkCode); LAC = (tow...
[8 replies] Last: To concatenate C-strings you need to use std::strcat . Obviously std... (by mbozzi)
sum of alternating series with an error limit
Hi I am new to C++ and have an assignment asking me to write a program to approximate the sum of a given alternating series so that the error in the sum is smal...
[5 replies] Last: Yes, exactly. or k++; for common shorthand. (by Ganado)
help with function
I have what may seem like a trivial problem but it os something I can not get to work. How can I alter the match function to take an integer enabling different ...
[2 replies] Last: You can use a functor. A functor, in non-technical terms, is an object... (by Ganado)
SFML - Enemy movement to Player
I have a Player class that houses my player. I have an Enemy class that houses my enemy. I want an enemy to appear at the center of the screen and then get ...
[1 reply] : Let E(0) be the enemy's starting position and P(0) the player's positi... (by helios)
Find and Erase a "," without for loops etc...
I'm trying to find a string of code to find and erase the comma after the user inputs their last name. The user is supposed to enter their name in the form of l...
[14 replies] Last: The problem is taking (lastName, firstName middleName) as one input a... (by jlb)
Getting user input in a for loop
How can I retrieve the user input inside this forloop. I'll need each number the user enters. #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { ...
[1 reply] : Use an array, or better, a vector. #include <iostream> #include <vec... (by Chervil)
I’ve update my code Could you please have a look at it
I need to write a right justified two user defined functions that use array parameter. I'm having a problem with my counters in the last section not keeping a a...
[2 replies] Last: Hi, fresh716. If you modify an existing post of yours, it doesn’t bu... (by Enoizat)
why it shows me "1"
it's always show me "1"....can you help me #include<iostream> using namespace std; int b(); int main(){ cout<<b; return 0; } int b() { cout<<"nee...
[9 replies] Last: b is a variable. (in this case the it is the name of a function, whic... (by jonnin)
Hello, I am trying to compile this code but compiler says that there are some errors here: |9|error: use of undeclared identifier 'tuple'| |9|error: expect...
[5 replies] Last: Excellent and good luck with it, I doubt you'll go back. If you need G... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Using iterators to read data from file.
I have a code: #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> using namespace std; int main() { int mnumbers ; int mnumbers2 ; FILE ...
[5 replies] Last: could also re-direct the stream buffer associated with std::cout to th... (by gunnerfunner)
Graphics library | #include <Graphics> on MAC
Hello, Does anyone know how to make that a <graphics> library would be a standard library on a Mac? I use CodeBlocks. 1. I need to download it somewhere. ...
[1 reply] : Actually, there are SDL2 BGI bindings: (by Duthomhas)
really really need your help....plz
just past the code into your complier and you will see #include<iostream> #include<cstring> #include<conio.h> using namespace std; int main(){ char ...
[3 replies] Last: So, instead of assigning the (uninitialised) value of a to the funct... (by MikeyBoy)
September 2017 Pages: 1... 7891011... 21
  Archived months: [aug2017] [oct2017]

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